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What a joy and privilege that the Lord allows us to partner with Him in His salvation plan for the world! We would love to partner with you and, together, do our part to obey the Great Commission.


James 5:16 says, "The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results." We need your prayers! Please pray that Christ will be made known and that healthy churches are planted in Senegal. Please pray for our family. Please pray for our team. The ministry of prayer is an essential part of our partnership. 



We get to go because you send us. Your financial partnership gets us to the field and keeps us there. It enables us to do the missional work that God has called us to do together. We cannot thank you enough for your faithful giving. 


You may give one-time donations and/or monthly offerings at this link: 





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Want to learn more about becoming a missionary? To explore the steps from calling to continent check out:



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